April 2024
The values in which EXM believes and upon which its work is based are synthesized in this document that describes the criteria and ethics adopted in carrying out its activities. Our desire is to be of service to our partners and clients, in order to create something useful and beautiful. This motivation forms the foundation of our ethics and guides our approach to daily activities.
We develop and present our partners with concrete, secure, and reliable solutions, constantly enhancing our level of professionalism.
We actively establish and maintain communication channels with our partners and the external world, ensuring a continuous exchange with the utmost transparency.
We are attentive to both technological advancements and changes in the needs and requirements of our partners.
We actively collaborate internally and with our partners in addressing the challenges we share.
We believe that we are an integral part of society and aim to contribute to the growth and improvement of social coexistence while reducing inequalities.
In our daily operations, we commit to considering economic, environmental, and social aspects on an equal level, ensuring the coherence of everything we do.
The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards is shared with all employees and is applicable at all levels, including management, employees, consultants, and interns, whether employed full-time or part-time. Compliance with the code is also expected from individuals and companies acting on behalf of Ex Machina.
The company does not implement policies based on gender differences, and the terminology used in this document refers inclusively to individuals of all genders or gender fluidity.
When evaluating collaborations with external partners, it is ensured that they align with the content of this code and embrace the values of Ex Machina.
The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards undergoes periodic revisions to ensure its relevance. The code is available on the company’s internal wiki as well as on the official website.
From the very beginning, we have been committed to conducting our business with utmost respect for the environment, fully aware of the characteristics of the territory in which we live and operate. For this reason, we have consistently raised awareness among all employees about environmental issues, particularly waste management, reduction of raw material consumption, and air emissions, encouraging virtuous behaviors even outside of working hours.
Specifically, we have:
EXM’s commitment is to safeguard the environment and the land that welcomes us as much as possible, for the benefit of future generations.
Health Protection and Safety Promotion
Risks associated with our activities are typically related to office work and primarily involve ergonomics and computer usage. We place utmost importance on the safety and comfort of our employees and visitors, which is why we have created a secure and welcoming office environment.
Our efforts have resulted in the establishment of a workspace that is not only appropriate and compliant but also equipped with shared spaces and relaxation areas. These provisions aim to enhance collaboration and well-being among our team members.
We deeply care about the well-being of our employees and are committed to maintaining a vibrant work environment that encourages individual and team accountability for achieving set goals. At all levels, we foster open dialogue and encourage respectful and fair communication.
We actively promote professional growth and development among our employees. We also incentivize inclusive extracurricular activities for all team members, including involvement from their families.
Our hiring policies are oriented towards equal opportunities and equal treatment, irrespective of gender, origin, religious affiliation, or disability. We promote integration, prevent and oppose any form of harassment, discrimination, or privacy infringement.
In particular, we have adopted a hybrid work system that combines remote and in-person work. We have also made our office and services accessible to individuals with disabilities, ensuring inclusivity in our workspace.
As a company active in the IT industry, we are aware of the importance of using contemporary and widespread communication tools to reach our audience and convey messages effectively. In our communication, we always strive to be clear, transparent and truthful.
Before publishing news and comments, we make sure to verify their accuracy and reliability. This may include consulting authoritative sources, reviewing relevant data and information, and properly evaluating the sources from which the information comes.
We recognize that the dissemination of serious and reliable news and commentary is critical to maintaining the trust of our stakeholders and contributing to informed and constructive debate. Therefore, we strive to adopt best practices in the selection, verification, and presentation of the information we communicate.
We promote respect for company assets among employees and partners and encourage their use for defined purposes. Material assets include the resources provided for carrying out activities, including office space, while intangible assets include information and data entrusted to employees, as well as the developed products themselves. These assets must be treated with care and a sense of responsibility, and should not be used for personal purposes. In particular, actions or solutions that could compromise the integrity of these assets or disclose confidential information must not be implemented.
As a company, we aim to avoid conflicts of interest. The interests of the company should always take precedence. Therefore, we urge employees to avoid any external activities, whether independent or employment-related, that may conflict or compete with their professional duties or the interests of the company. If there is any doubt, we encourage employees to report potential conflicts of interest to the management to determine how to proceed with maximum transparency and collaboration from both parties.
In all aspects of our business, we are committed to knowing and complying with the applicable laws and are fully dedicated to maintaining fair and responsible business conduct.
We ensure the proper management and transparency of accounting in accordance with the principles we are legally bound to follow. We do not exploit confidential information, which we become aware of during the course of our business activities, for personal gain or for the benefit of individuals close to us.
We are actively engaged in various initiatives related to social causes, both within our industry and through donations to humanitarian associations dedicated to scientific research and support for the sick.
In particular:
✗We have joined the Equid project promoted by the city of Lugano, which involves collecting and refurbishing computers. This initiative helps provide computers to those in need and promotes a culture of reuse and solidarity.
✗We support a non-profit organization that helps Cameroonian students access university education. We contribute as both a supporter and an employer of some of the students who have benefited from this support.
✗We provide donations to other associations, both locally and internationally. The list of supported associations can be found in the dedicated “Charity – Ex Machina” section on the Ex Machina website.
These efforts reflect our commitment to making a positive impact on society and supporting initiatives that promote education, sustainability, and the well-being of individuals and communities.
The principles and values outlined in our Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards serve as a guide for demonstrating diligence, loyalty, and fairness that qualify not only the proper performance of an employee’s job performance but also the relationship of trust that we want to be an integral part of the collaboration
Any failure to comply with the code constitutes a violation of the employment contract obligations, for which appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken as deemed necessary. This approach also applies to our partners. In the event of a clear violation or illicit behavior, we assess whether to take appropriate action through the appropriate channels and means.