Robots for home, office and care: the current state and what will happen soon

We have seen it in a thousand science fiction movies – you ring the doorbell and a suave voice answers, it’s the robot butler greeting you and inviting you in.

As has happened with many things, such a scenario is about to become normal, not in a century but in a few years. There are many companies working on it, Tesla and Boston Dynamics above all, but they are just the tip of the iceberg. Buying a robot will soon be a high expense but considered an inevitable choice as it already happens for many with cars, there will also be long-term rentals and leasing just like with cars.
The companies that will produce robots will be the next mega multinationals where those dealing with AI software and hardware will likely converge, creating conglomerates compared to which the current ones will seem tiny.

The Current State of Domestic Robotics

Currently, the domestic robotics market is mainly dominated by cleaning robots, such as autonomous vacuum cleaners and floor washers. Well-known brands like iRobot, Neato and Ecovacs offer solutions with mapping, intelligent navigation and Wi-Fi connectivity features. However, companies like Tesla and Boston Dynamics are pushing the boundaries of domestic and industrial robotics with ambitious and innovative projects.

Tesla recently introduced the second generation of its humanoid robot, called Optimus Gen 2. This robot has been designed to speed up assembly line work and perform the most strenuous tasks, for now in the factory but with new generations the focus will shift to homes. According to Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, the demand for humanoid robots could reach 10-20 billion units in the coming decades, he is always exaggerated in everything but still has a vision of the future that many others do not have and the numbers will be high just as today those of the production of cars and industrial vehicles are. Unfortunately, let’s not forget the military sector in which robots will certainly be employed, the recent use of drones in the war in Ukraine is just a small, sad preview of future wars with robots and AI.

Boston Dynamics has also recently announced a new version of its Atlas humanoid robot with a video that is both disturbing and exciting in how the robot moves, challenging human anatomy which imposes various limitations on us such as degrees of rotation of the head and joints. Atlas is now powered by electric batteries that allow it to operate without cables for long periods. This represents a significant step towards the autonomy and versatility of humanoid robots as until now they were connected to a cable that limited their range of action. Although Atlas is not yet intended for domestic use, the technology developed by Boston Dynamics could be adapted in the future to create robotic home assistants.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of robotics, new projects and companies are emerging that are redefining the possibilities and applications of robots in the real world, some are already known like Nvidia but others for now are totally unknown like Agility Robotics and Unitree.

Nvidia, mainly known for its graphics cards and artificial intelligence solutions, is exploring the field of robotics with Project Groot. Groot is a humanoid robot under development, designed to be a versatile and intelligent assistant. Based on the Nvidia Isaac artificial intelligence platform, Groot promises to combine advanced machine learning with capabilities for perception and interaction with the surrounding environment. Although details on Project Groot are still limited, Nvidia’s ambitions in the field of robotics are clear and we will hear a lot about this company in the coming years.

Agility Robotics has specialized in creating bipedal robots, with a particular focus on locomotion and interaction with the environment. Their flagship product is Digit, a humanoid robot designed to operate in structured and semi-structured environments, such as warehouses, factories and offices. Digit is equipped with locomotion technology that allows it to move nimbly and stably on uneven surfaces and overcome obstacles. In addition, it is equipped with sensors and perception algorithms that allow it to move autonomously and interact with objects and people.

Unitree Robotics, a Chinese company specializing in quadruped robots, is about to launch its new H1 model on the market. Unlike Unitree’s previous robots, such as A1 and Aliengo, H1 is specifically designed for mass production and large-scale adoption. H1 is a compact and agile quadruped robot, equipped with a series of sensors and control algorithms that allow it to move fluidly and stably on rough terrain. Being small in size, H1 lends itself to multiple applications, from search and rescue to industrial inspection and entertainment.

Phoenix is another humanoid robot developed by a team of researchers and engineers from various institutions and companies. The Phoenix team is working to equip the robot with advanced manipulation, perception and social interaction capabilities. The goal is to create a robot that can assist humans in a wide range of contexts, from home assistance to space exploration.

Nvidia Groot, Agility Robotics, Unitree H1, Phoenix together with big players like Tesla and Boston Dynamics represent just some of the most interesting and promising companies in the field of robotics. This is a field that will see great competition and the emergence of new large companies that will be the next “big thing”.

Artificial Intelligence in Domestic Robotics

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in the development of increasingly autonomous and capable domestic robots. Autonomous AI agents, such as those based on learning algorithms, allow robots to learn and adapt to their surroundings, making decisions in real time.

The integration of autonomous AI agents into domestic robots will lead to the creation of “super intelligent butlers”, capable of handling a wide range of tasks and interacting naturally with users. These robots will learn users’ preferences and habits, anticipating their needs and providing personalized assistance.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), i.e. artificial intelligence capable of matching or surpassing human cognitive abilities in multiple domains, could further revolutionize domestic robotics. A domestic robot equipped with AGI will be able to understand context, solve complex problems and adapt to new situations, just as a human would.

However, the development of domestic robots equipped with advanced AI also poses significant challenges, such as security, transparency and ethics. It will be essential to ensure that these robots are designed and programmed to respect human values, avoid undesirable behaviors and be transparent in their decisions. How many times have we seen, again in science fiction movies, the revolt of robots against humans? Well, this scenario could also become a real danger if the development of these robots is not adequately controlled and unfortunately we know that we are not very good at looking to the future and anticipating dangers but usually humanity takes action after something extremely bad happens and never before.

Future Prospects and Usage Scenarios

One of the most promising usage scenarios is that of personal robotic assistants. These robots will be able to perform a wide range of tasks, from cleaning and cooking to entertainment and assistance for the elderly or people with disabilities. They will be equipped with intuitive user interfaces, allowing natural interaction through voice commands and gestures.

Currently, the most advanced robots can cost several tens of thousands of euros, making them accessible mainly to a professional – business market. However, as technology advances and demand increases, prices are expected to gradually fall to reach the consumer market.

Within the next 5-10 years, it is estimated that the cost of an advanced domestic robot, equipped with artificial intelligence and multifunction capabilities, could be around 5,000-10,000 euros. Although it will still be a significant investment, this price would be more accessible to a wider segment of consumers and, as mentioned earlier, there will be various purchase or leasing formulas.

Domestic robotics is entering a mature phase after years of testing and development in laboratories from cleaning robots to advanced personal assistants, the future of domestic robotics will revolutionize the way we interact with technology in our homes. However, to fully realize the potential of domestic robotics, it will be essential to address key challenges such as security, privacy, user interface and sustainability.

Only through responsible and user-centric development can we create domestic robots that truly improve the quality of our daily lives, while respecting human values and ethics.

At Ex Machina we are always looking for new solutions that can be used in our projects to create customized solutions for companies and public bodies.
If you are familiar with the movie Ex Machina (our namesake but released long after our company was founded), you will have noticed a connection with the robots whose story does not end very well 😉
If you want to find out more about our AI solutions visit the other pages of our website.